
Homebody Retreats

Retreats & workshops to soothe the soul


Client: Homebody Retreats


Focus: Concept, Development, Logo Design, Branding

The Client

Homebody Retreats is founded by Maddie Hicks. She's physio, yogi and an all-round nice-gal who strongly believe that tuning in and reconnecting with your body is the key to a fulfilling, connected life. And your birthright.

Incorporating the human form into the brand's identify was a natural progression as I explored different ideas for this logo. The illustrative style of the logo contrasts nicely with the heavy font used in the typography; his brings a sense of groundedness to the design, which is also symbolic of the Homebody philosophy.

Key words

Approachable | Feminine | Connected | Organic.

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Designs that talk
- for brands who walk | 0423 385 633